This is a list of Things Built and Things Found in Direwolf20's Let's Play Season 6, for use as reference. For the first episode, I am including things like pickaxes, and other mundane tools, but going forward I will only list those type of things the first time he builds them. I hope you find this useful.
S6E1 The Beginning
01:10 Create New World (World Type: Biomes O’ Plenty, Seed: Direwolf20 Season6 - FINALLY!!)
01:48 Punch Trees
02:33 Crafting Table
02:40 Wooden Pickaxe and Axe
05:07 Coal
06:40 Torches
06:50 Stone Pickaxe
08:28 Clearing Out Space in a Cave and Calling it Home
09:00 Stone Shovel, Axe and Sword
09:08 Wooden Door, Chest
11:25 Wool x3 (from Sheep)
12:22 Bed
13:22 Seeds (Cotton, Barley and Wheat)
14:10 Raw Chicken
17:47 Dungeon Chest (Tin, Copper, Music Disc x3, Golden Apple)
20:55 Iron Ore
21:00-42:00 Mining
42:40 Peridot Sword, Pickaxe, and Shovel
S6E2 Ore Doubling
0:30 Sickle
6:08 Wooden Bucket
7:15 Infinite Water Source
7:48 Farm (Wheat, Barley, Cotton)
11:24 Diamonds
12:06 Skeleton Spawner, Dungeon Chest (Saddle, Music Disc, Thaumium Ingots, Mystcraft Page, Ender-Lily Seeds, Tin Ingots)
16:10 Grind Stone
17:18 Wooden Crank
24:12 Pulverizer
26:11 Steam Dynamo
27:23 Crafting Station
29:27 Leadstone Energy Conduit x4
30:05 Crescent Hammer
32:10 Redstone Furnace
S6E3 Tinkering Around
0:58 Hopper, Chest x2 (Ore Doubling Automation)
4:46 2nd Steam Dynamo
5:21 Aqueous Accumulator
6:38 Fluiduct (Opaque) x4
8:26 Leadstone Energy Cell
12:01 Raspberry Bush
13:27 Blueberry Bush
15:46 Stencil Table, Part Builder, Pattern Chest, Tool Station
20:30 Tinker’s Construct Pickaxe (Stone Tool Rod, Stone Tool Binding, Stone Pickaxe Head)
26:02 Smeltery (Smeltery Controller, Seared Tank, Seared Bricks, Seared Faucet, Smeltery Drain, Casting Table, Seared Glass)
S6E4 Upgraded Tools and the Nether
3:03 Hardened Portable Tank
4:35 Bibliocraft Bookcase
6:15 Lava (in Portable Tank for use with Smeltery)
7:29 Oreberry Bushes
11:50 Aluminum Brass Casts (Tool Rod, Tool Binding, Pickaxe Head, Ingot)
17:00 Casting Basin
18:00 Terrain Smasher
20:47 Alumite Pickaxe (Alumite Pickaxe Head, Stone Tool Rod, Stone Tool Binding)
25:24 Nether Portal
26:12 Glowstone
26:52 Ardite Ore
27:06 Cobalt Ore
27:47 Nether Quartz Ore
29:02 Manyullyn Pickaxe (Manyullyn Pickaxe Head, Netherrack Tool Rod, Obsidian Tool Binding; Modifiers: Lapis Lazuli 30/450, Redstone 50/50)
S6E5 Factorization for Cobalt
2:56 Manyullyn Broadsword (Paper Wide Guard, Cactus Tool Rod, Manyullyn Sword Blade; Modifiers: Lapis Lazuli 90/450, Quartz 144/144)
6:26 Tool Forge
15:16 Wood to Iron Chest Upgrade x3
16:10 Battery Block
17:30 Water Boiler
17:45 Steam Turbine
19:14 Factorization Ore Processing Station (Placing)
20:53 Imp Leather
21:39 Caliometric Burner
23:25 Charge Meter
24:24 Socket Block
26:13 Diamond Shards (Boom!)
27:04 Lacerator
29:08 Barrel
30:28 Slag Furnace
31:27 Cobalt Ingots
S6E6 House Building
0:51 Cobalt Hammer (Obsidian Tough Rod, Cobalt Hammer Head, Cobalt Large Plates; Modifiers: Redstone 150/150)
4:25 Iron Excavator and Iron Lumber Axe(Iron Broad Axe Head, Iron Large Plates, Iron Excavator Head, Netherrack Tough Bindings, Netherrack Tool Rod)
8:22 Filler, Landmarks x5, Lever
13:05 Filler on Flatten Mode
15:24 Leadstone Energy Cell -> Hardened Energy Cell
18:12 Steam Dynamo
20:05 Moss Stone
20:35 Ball of Moss
20:49 Modify Manyullyn Pickaxe with Ball of Moss
22:44 9x9 House
23:34 Tape Measure
26:42 Clear Glass in Smeltery
27:00 Hopper and Chest for Smeltery Automation
27:27 Redstone Clock
31:15 Iron Door and Obsidian Pressure Plate
34:45 2nd Smeltery Drain
35:36 Buildcraft Tank to acquire bucket of Molten Glass for Fluiduct
S6E7 Moving Day!
0:59 Miner’s Backpack and Digger’s Backpack
3:36 House Expansion
8:21 Barrels x4
9:26 Gold Chest
10:01 Hardened Strongbox
18:25 Golden Lasso
18:56 Animal Farm
24:04 Elevator x2
24:53 Basement
25:47 Dark Iron Ingots (processed with Lacerator)
28:04 Wrath Lamp
S6E8 Sorting 101
2:51 Upgrade Cobalt Hammer (Diamond and Gold Block, Leadstone Flux Capacitor)
5:18 Energetic Infuser
13:33 Induction Smelter
14:50 Hardened Glass
18:00 Itemducts x42
21:07 Pulverizers x2 and Redstone Furnaces x2
23:04 Leadstone Energy Cell
24:57 Pneumatic Servos x4
S6E9 Sorting 102
1:53 Transfer Pipes
2:18 Transfer Node (Items)
2:46 Sorting Pipes
3:24 Portable Scanner
4:06 Magma Crucible
4:26 Fluid Transposer
19:30 Mod Sorting Pipe
23:50 Speed Upgrade x4
25:54 Sapphire Saw
26:20 Cobblestone Covers
28:21 Hollow Cobblestone Covers
S6E10 Adventures in Magic
1:27 Iron Capped Wooden Wand
2:00 Thauminomicon
4:22 Thaumometer
6:40 Researching (cobblestone, torch, dirt, iron chest, snowball, glass)
9:18 Research Table (Scribing Tools, 2 Tables)
11:01 Filler (to build Walls)
14:52 Paper
15:35 Nitor Research (Lux)
19:10 Crucible
21:35 Nitor Production (3 Coal, 6 Torches)
23:37 Researching (Bowl, Seeds, Grass, Crafting Station, Chest, Trapdoor, etc.)
28:49 Wand Foci Research (Praecantatio, Ignis)
30:16 Arcane Workbench
31:15 Wand Charging
32:41 Rope Ladder
S6E11 Treefarming Preparations
0:30 Thaumcraft Research (Research Expertise, Research Mastery
3;05 Thaumcraft Research (Thaumium)
3:47 Thaumcraft Research (Wand Focus: Equal Trade)
6:00 Goggles of Revealing
7:28 Thaumcraft Aura Node
9:00 Thaumcraft Dungeon (found in Eerie biome)
11:00 Builder’s Wand, Division Sigil, Amazing Technicolor Glasses (Found in chests)
12:52 Wand Focus: Equal Trade
16:55 Coke Oven
19:33 Cart Assembler
21:32 Reinforced Hull
25:51 Hardened Wood Cutter
27:55 Solar Engine
28:43 Coal Engine
29:20 Side Chests
29:44 Advanced Smelter
30:35 Assembling Cart in the Cart Assembler
S6E12 Treefarm Implementation
00:47 Modular Cart complete
2:54 Rolling Machine placed
3:20 Track x128
4:44 Can x36
6:52 Laying Track
11:19 Oak Saplings
15:48 Cargo Manager
16:12 Larger Oak Wood Barrels
17:38 Advanced Detector Rail x2
20:04 External Distributor
21:14 Itemducts and Pnuematic Servo to pull from External Distributor into Barrels
S6E13 Infusion Crafting
0:11 Upgrade: Cart Modifier
1;38 Advanced Smelter
4:06 Thaumcraft Research: Boots of the Traveler
6:24 Daylight Sensor
8:00 Ender Pouch
9:50 Arcane Lamp
10:16 Igneous Extruder
17:20 Silverwood Logs
21:55 Gold Cap x2
22:00 Greatwood Rod
22:37 Thaumcraft Research: Node Preserver
24;13 Runic Matrix
24:57 Thaumaturge’s Boots and Leggings
26:45 Infusion Altar
28:09 Arcane Pedestals x8
29:13 Vis Filter x4
29:28 Alchemical Furnace
29:42 Arcane Alembics x4
S6E14 Blazes, Lava, and Boots!
2:25 Boats x8 (Iter), Arrows x25 (Volatis)
4:37 Warded Jars x31
5:27 Essentia Tubes x36
9:12 Boots of the Traveler
12:00 Armor Stand
14:50 Pump
16:42 Redstone Engine x4
20:30 Blaze Rods
20:50 Ender Tank
24:11 Chunk Loader
28:21 Magmatic Dynamo x2
29:00 Igneous Extruder
S6E15 Logistics Part 1
2:12 Dissasemble Old Sorting System (Itemducts and Transfer Pipes)
5:44 Logistics Power Junction
7:49 Assembly Table & Chest
9:08 Lasers x6
11:22 Hardened Energy Conduits
15:17 Basic Logistics Pipes
18:18 Logistic Chassis Mk2
19:00 Extractor Module Mk2
21:40 Laying Stone Pipes
22:09 Logistic Chassis Mk2
22:19 OreDict ItemSink Module
27:30 Basic Logistics Pipes at Junctions
28:23 Logistic Chassis Mk2 x4
29:11 Polymorphic ItemSink
S6E16 Logistics Part 2
2:17 ItemSink module
4:47 Mod Based ItemSink module
5:50 Discovery: Polymorphic ItemSink > Mod Based ItemSink module (Priority-wise)
10:56 Terminus module
11:45 Trash Can
13:47 Wood Chips
14:25 Provider module
15:21 Request Pipe
17:43 Request Pipe Mk2
20:37 Extractor Mk3
22:20 Facade: Stone Brick
25:30 Provider Pipe (Steve’s Cart Tree Farm)
26:45 Supplier Pipe (Steam Dynamo)
27:30 Pipe Plugs
29:30 Ender Chest
S6E17 Animal Farming
2:30 Crafting Logistics Pipe
2:58 Logistics Crafting Table (Planks, Sticks, Wooden Gear, Stone Gear, Basic Logistics Pipes, Diamond Pipe, Machine Frame, Redstone Reception Coil, Logisitcs Crafting Table, Logistic Crafting Pipe, Chest, Crafting Table, etc.)
13:38 Crafting Sign Creator
21:58 Breeder
25:40 Chronotyper
27:40 Grinder
30:51 Rancher
S6E18 Farms and Enchanting
4:01 Sound Muffler
6:00 IC2 Rubber Tree Farm
9:38 Hardened Energy Conduits
11:08 Iron AND Gate, Red Piping Wire
12:42 Iron Transport Pipes
19:53 Provider Pipe
21:43 Hardened Portable Tank
25:26 Bookshelves
26:25 Enchanting Table
26:58 Auto Enchantment Table
27:38 Tank
27:51 XP Drain
28:39 Fluiducts
32:39 Stone Brick Covers
35:18 Luggage
S6E19 Industrializing
4:16 Forge Hammer
5:57 Cutter
6:32 Extractor
7:52 Generator
11:11 Metal Former
13:30 Wrench
13:48 Geothermal Generator
15:26 CESU
18:30 LV-Transformer
22:33 Paint Brush
24:49 Compressor
26:52 Macerator
29:05 Electric Furnace
30:10 Induction Furnace
S6E20 Better Wands
1:28 Electric Jetpack
5:35 Mana Beans
7:19 Shimmerleaf
9:20 Silverwood Saplings
10:35 Tesseracts
16:49 Request Logistics Pipe
23:20 Filing Cabinet
26:29 Silverwood Wand Core
29:06 Thaumium Caps
31:00 Ethereal Essence
31:35 Charged Thaumium Caps
36:10 Thaumium Bossed Silverwood Wand
S6E21 Farming Vis
0:20 Node In a Jar research
5:04 Wand Recharge Pedestal
11:36 Compound Recharge Focus
20:50 Straw Golem
22:49 Wood Golem
23:07 Golem Core: Gather & Golem Core: Harvest
25:08 Golem Upgrade: Order
25:21 Golemancer’s Bell