RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar … · 2019/6/20  · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (2024)

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (1)


RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis Qiong Zhao*,1,8, Jinbo Shen5,1,8, Caiji Gao6,8, Yong Cui1,8, Yongyi Wang4, Jie Cui4, Lixin Cheng1,7, Wenhan Cao1, Ying Zhu1, Shuxian Huang1, Qianzi Zhou1, Cheuk Ka Leong1, King Pong Leung1, Xuemei Chen2 & Liwen Jiang*,1,3

1School of Life Sciences, Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology and State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China. 2Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, Institute of Integrative Genome Biology, University of California, Riverside, California, United States of America, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Riverside, California, United States of America 3The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China. 4College of Life Sciences and Oceanography, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China 5State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture, Zhejiang A&F University, Linan, Hangzhou 311300, China. 6Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Biotechnology for Plant Development, School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University (SCNU), Guangzhou 510631, China. 7Department of Critical Care Medicine, Shenzhen People's Hospital, The Second Clinical Medicine College of Ji'nan University, Shenzhen, China

8These authors contributed equally to this work: Qiong Zhao, Jinbo Shen, Caiji Gao, Yong Cui.

*Address correspondence to: Prof. Liwen Jiang (Email: [emailprotected]) and Dr. Qiong Zhao (Email:[emailprotected])

Short Title: RST1 regulates vacuolar trafficking

One Sentence Summary: RST1, identified as a FREE1 suppressor, negatively regulates multivesicular body-mediated membrane sorting and degradation in plants.

The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ( is: Prof. Liwen Jiang ([emailprotected]).

ABSTRACT FYVE domain protein required for endosomal sorting 1 (FREE1), a plant-specific endosomal sorting complex required

for transport I (ESCRT) component, is essential for the biogenesis of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), vacuolar degradation of membrane protein, cargo vacuolar sorting, autophagic degradation and vacuole biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we report the characterization of RST1(RESURRECTION1) as a suppressor of free1 that, when mutated as a null mutant, restores the normal MVB and vacuole formation of a FREE1-RNAi knockdown line and consequently allows survival. RST1 encodes an evolutionarily conserved multicellular organism-specific protein, which contains two DUF3730 (Domain of Unknown Function 3730) domains, showing no similarity to known proteins, and predominantly localizes in the cytosol. The depletion of FREE1 causes substantial accumulation of RST1, and transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing RST1 display retarded seedling growth with dilated MVBs, and inhibition of endocytosed FM4-64 dye to the tonoplast, suggesting that RST1 has a negative role in vacuolar transport. Consistently, enhanced endocytic degradation of membrane vacuolar cargoes occurs in the rst1 mutant. Further transcriptomic comparison of rst1 with free1 revealed a negative association between gene expression profiles, demonstrating that FREE1 and RST1 have antagonistic functions. Thus, RST1 is a negative regulator controlling membrane protein homeostasis and FREE1-mediated functions in plants.

Plant Cell Advance Publication. Published on June 20, 2019, doi:10.1105/tpc.19.00003

©2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (2)


The endomembrane system is an evolutionarily conserved and essential cellular process for 2

cell growth and responses to external signals, which consists of several functionally distinct 3

membrane-bound organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, trans-4

Golgi network (TGN) or early endosome, prevacuolar compartment (PVC) or multivesicular 5

bodies (MVBs) and vacuole. The Endomembrane system plays critical roles in membrane protein 6

targeting, trafficking and degradation (Surpin and Raikhel, 2004). To maintain proper protein 7

homeostasis, membrane proteins destined for degradation are usually ubiquitinated and sorted into 8

the intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of PVCs/MVBs for subsequent degradation in the 9

vacuole/lysosome upon MVB-vacuole fusion (Cui et al., 2016; Cui et al., 2019). The sorting and 10

packaging of ubiquitinated membrane proteins into MVBs is facilitated by a set of protein 11

complexes named the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) machinery 12

in eukaryotic cells (Gao et al., 2017; Isono and Kalinowska, 2017; Otegui, 2018). 13

In plants, unique ESCRT components have evolved for both the conserved ESCRT function 14

and certain plant-specific functions (Gao et al., 2017, Li et al 2019). The plant unique ESCRT 15

component called FYVE domain protein Required for Endosomal sorting 1 (FREE1) is essential 16

for ILV formation in MVB (Gao et al., 2014). FREE1 may form different complexes that mediate 17

multiple functions. FREE1 directly interacts with the ESCRT1 component VPS23 and binds to 18

PI3P and ubiquitinated membrane cargoes to regulate MVB biogenesis and MVB-mediated sorting 19

of membrane proteins (Gao et al., 2014; Kolb et al., 2015; Barberon et al., 2014; Belda-Palazon et 20

al., 2016). FREE1 can also form a complex with PI3K regulatory subunit ATG6/VPS30 and 21

autophagic regulator protein SH3P2 that regulates autophagic degradation (Zhuang et al., 2013; 22

Gao et al., 2015). In addition, FREE1 is essential for vacuole biogenesis and seedling survival, 23

while it remains unknown how FREE1 mediates vacuole biogenesis and coordinates multiple 24

functions in plants. 25

We aimed to explore the multifaceted functions of FREE1 via a forward genetic screen for 26

suppressors of free1 (sof) mutants (Zhao et al., 2015). We demonstrated the feasibility of this 27

strategy, and reported a novel plant-specific component of the ESCRT complex, BRo1-domain 28

protein As FREE1 suppressor (BRAF) (Shen et al., 2018). 29

Here we report the identification of RST1 (RESURRECTION1) as suppressor of free1 30

negatively regulating the endomembrane trafficking pathway. We isolated 4 independent FREE1-31

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (3)


related sof mutants (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) having null mutations of the same gene 32

RST1 (At3g27670), which encodes a protein with no similarity to any protein of known function. 33

The RST1 protein is a multicellular organism-specific protein that contains two DUF3730 (domain 34

of unknown function 3730) domains, mainly localizes in the cytosol and accumulates substantially 35

in free1 mutant cells. Ectopic overexpression of RST1 results in retarded seedling growth 36

associated with enlarged MVBs and delayed vacuolar transport. Consistently, enhanced endocytic 37

degradation of membrane vacuolar cargos occurred in the rst1 mutants. Further transcriptomic 38

comparison of rst1 with free1 revealed an antagonistic relationship between FREE1 and RST1. 39

Taken together, we propose that RST1 is a negative regulator controlling membrane protein 40

homeostasis and FREE1-mediated functions in plants. 41



Isolation of RST1 as a FREE1 suppressor 44

To elucidate the molecular regulation of FREE1, we used dexamethasone (DEX)-inducible 45

DEX:FREE1-RNAi transgenic plants for a suppressor screen (Supplemental Figure 1A). Upon 46

induction with DEX, the DEX:FREE1-RNAi transgenic plants showed barely detectable levels of 47

FREE1 protein, and displayed an almost identical seedling lethal phenotype and cellular defects 48

as observed in the free1 T-DNA insertional mutant. Seeds from the DEX:FREE1-RNAi transgenic 49

line were subjected to EMS mutagenesis. To isolate suppressor of free1 (sof) mutants, the M2 50

seeds were screened for a survived growth phenotype following DEX induction. The sof mutants 51

that only showed barely detectable levels of FREE1 protein with DEX induction were further 52

isolated as FREE1-related sof mutants at the M3 generation. The FREE1-related sof mutants were 53

outcrossed with Ler wild type and the F2 generation was used as the mapping population following 54

a previously established mapping-by-sequencing work flow for detailed mutant gene identification 55

(Supplemental Figure 1B) (Zhao et al., 2015). 56

A subset of four FREE1-related sof mutants (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) were further 57

characterized to harbor EMS-induced missense mutations in RST1 (Figure 1A and Supplemental 58

Figure 2). Next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based mapping identified peaks in the same region 59

on chromosome 3 (Supplemental Figure 2), suggesting that these four mutants (sof100, sof220, 60

sof452, and sof453) may have meaningful mutations in the same gene. The fine mapping and 61

annotation identified four premature stop codon mutations in RESURRECTION 1 (AT3G27670, 62

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (4)


RST1) (Figure 1A). In Arabidopsis, RST1 is a single copy gene and genetically linked to stem 63

cuticular wax distribution, embryo development and defense response with elusive underlying 64

mechanisms (Chen et al., 2005; Mang et al., 2009). RST1 was also shown to precipitate with RRP4, 65

a non-catalytic component of the RNA exosome complex with an unknown mechanism (Lange et 66

al., 2014). 67

Loss of RST1 reverted the free1 lethal phenotype, because 1) after 7 days of growth on DEX 68

medium, these four sof (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) seedlings showed a WT-like viable 69

normal growth phenotype, which is distinct from the lethal phenotype of FREE1-RNAi seedlings 70

(Figure 1B, and Supplemental Figure 3A); 2) FREE1 protein was barely detected in these four sof 71

lines (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) with DEX induction (Figure 1C and Supplemental 72

Figure 3B-C). These results indicate the involvement of RST1 in the FREE1-related pathway. 73

Because FREE1-RNAi plants bypassed the embryo requirement of FREE1, our ability to identify 74

mutants that suppress freel null mutants is limited. 75

In a TEM analysis, the ILVs in these sof mutants resembled those in the WT. To determine 76

whether the defective MVBs are restored to normal in the sof mutants, we performed a statistical 77

analysis of the ILV number (figure 1D) and MVB diameter (supplemental figure 3D). Statistical 78

analyses showed that the number of ILVs per MVB section in the sof mutants was comparable to 79

that in Col, while the FREE1-RNAi plants displayed a significantly reduced number of ILVs per 80

MVB section (figure 1D). The differences in MVB diameter in Col, FREE1-RNAi and the sof 81

mutants were not significant (supplemental figure 3D). Subsequent analysis of the vacuole using 82

FM4-64 staining of the tonoplast showed restored large central vacuoles in these sof mutants 83

(sof100, sof452, and sof453) (Figure 1E). Immunoblot analyses of these four mutants (sof100, 84

sof452, sof220 and sof453) detected no full-length RST1 protein, supporting the notion that these 85

four mutants (sof100, sof452, sof220 and sof453) are rst1 null mutants (Figure 2A). RST1 antibody 86

specifically recognized both endogenous RST1 protein and RST1-GFP protein (Figure 2B). 87

Constitutive RST1-GFP expression in sof453 complemented the survived sof453 back to lethal 88

phenotype, suggesting that RST1-GFP is a functional fusion protein and RST1 is the responsible 89

gene for the rescued growth in these sof mutants (Figure 2C-E and Supplemental Figure 4). These 90

results suggest that FREE1 may repress RST1, and RST1 may in turn repress the same MVB 91

pathway. In this scenario, it is possible that a FREE1-independent MVB biogenesis pathway could 92

have been activated without RST1. 93

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RST1 encodes a multicellular organism-specific protein and primarily localizes in the cytosol 95

RST1 is a multicellular organism-specific protein; phylogenetic analysis identified RST1 96

hom*ologs only in multicellular organisms and in Dictyostelium discoideum AX4, which is a 97

unicellular eukaryote that can develop into a multicellular organism (Figure 3A; Supplemental 98

Dataset 5), suggesting that RST1 may have specific functions in cell–cell communication. Little 99

is known about the function of RST1 hom*ologues in these organisms. The RST1 hom*olog in 100

human (KIAA1797), which shows 30.2% identity at the amino acid level to Arabidopsis RST1, 101

was identified as a brain cancer suppressor, and may function as a component of the focal adhesion 102

complex (Brockschmidt et al., 2012). 103

At the transcriptional level, RST1 is constitutively expressed in all organs with a relatively 104

low basal expression level compared with FREE1 from Genevestigator data (Supplemental Figure 105

5). At the protein level, higher levels of RST1 protein were detected in stem and old green silique 106

compared with in other tissues (Figure 3B). We also performed an RT-qPCR analysis to assess the 107

expression levels of RST1 and FREE1 in different tissues (Figure 3C). Except for high expression 108

in old green siliques, RST1 displayed a relatively low but constitutive expression pattern compared 109

with FREE1 in all other tissues examined. Combined with our observations of the differed RST1 110

protein levels, it is possible that RST1 mainly function in the stem and silique, and regulation of 111

RST1 protein level could mainly be at the post-transcriptional level. 112

In contrast to the membrane marker VSR protein (Tse et al., 2004), RST1 was mainly detected 113

in both soluble fractions (S10 and S100), suggesting that RST1 is mainly a cytosolic protein. The 114

weak RST1 band detected in P100 suggests that a small fraction of RST1 is able to associate with 115

the intracellular membrane (Figure 3D). Consistently, the functional fusion RST1-GFP showed a 116

diffused cytosolic pattern, without an obvious colocalization with the MVB-localized mCherry-117

FREE1 (Supplemental Figure 6A-B). We further detected the endogenous RST1 localization with 118

RST1-specific antibody, and the result showed a consistent cytosolic pattern of RST1 119

(Supplemental Figure 6C). These results suggest that RST1 is mainly a cytosolic protein. 120


RST1 accumulates in free1 and functions as a FREE1-specific suppressor 122

When grown on DEX medium, the four sof mutants (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) lacking 123

both RST1 and FREE1 survived with normal MVBs and vacuoles, suggesting that FREE1 may 124

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (6)


repress RST1, which in turn represses the MVB function in the same pathway. In this hypothetic 125

regulation mode, a certain FREE1-independent MVB pathway could have been relieved without 126

both FREE1 and RST1. This hypothesis was supported because, 1) we detected a significant over-127

accumulation of RST1 in the free1 mutant (Figure 4A-B), suggesting that over-accumulation of 128

RST1 in free1 may block the FREE1-independent MVB pathway. 2) A similar over-accumulation 129

of RST1-GFP in FREE1-RNAi plants was also observed in the UBQ:RST1-GFP complemented 130

lines, suggesting that this over-accumulation of RST1-GFP in the free1 mutant is due to a post-131

translational regulation (Figure 4C-D). However, neither a direct interaction in yeast cells nor an 132

association between RST1 and FREE1 in plant cells was detected (Supplemental Figure 7A-B), 133

suggesting that RST1 and FREE1 participate in different protein complexes and that RST1 134

accumulation is detrimental. Since the absence of Y2H complementation is not suggestive of a 135

lack of transient interactions, we cannot exclude the possible existence of transient interaction 136

between RST1 and FREE1 during certain plant growth stages or under certain stress conditions. 137

The FREE1-dependent MVB pathway relies on conserved ESCRT complexes (Gao et al., 138

2014). Among the conserved ESCRT complex components, the ESCRT-III component sucrose 139

nonfermenting 7 (SNF7) and the ESCRT-III-associated protein AAA ATPase Vps4/suppressor of 140

K1 transport growth defect 1 (Vps4/SKD1) are employed using their dominant negative form to 141

block MVB biogenesis, and transgenic plants expressing either dominant negative mutants SNF7.1 142

(L22W) or SKD1 (E232Q) are seedling lethal with defective MVB biogenesis (Cai et al., 2014). 143

To establish whether RST1 function is specific to free1 or applied similarly to other ESCRT 144

mutants, we introduced DEX-inducible dominant negative mutations in either SNF7.1 (L22W) or 145

SKD1 (E232Q) into rst1. The seedling lethal phenotype was observed for SNF7.1 (L22W) and 146

SKD1 (E232Q) in rst1 (Supplemental Figure 8), suggesting that RST1 may function as a FREE1-147

specific suppressor and the undefined FREE1-independent MVB pathway may also require the 148

conserved downstream ESCRT complexes. 149

The braf mutant had an increased FREE1 membrane association (Shen et al., 2018). We next 150

investigated the sub-cellular localization of GFP-FREE1 and compared the membrane distribution 151

of FREE1 and the ESCRT I component VPS28 in the wild type vs. rst1. GFP-FREE1 showed a 152

similar distribution pattern in wild type and rst1, whereas GFP-FREE1 in both the wild type and 153

rst1 formed enlarged structures when treated with wortmannin (Supplemental Figure 9A). In 154

addition, the GFP-FREE1 level was slightly reduced in rst1 (Supplemental Figure 9B). Further 155

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ultrastructure analysis showed no alteration of MVB and Golgi structures in rst1 (Supplemental 156

Figure 9C). FREE1 and VPS28 did not show increased membrane association in rst1 157

(Supplemental Figure 9D-F). These results suggest that, in contrast to BRAF (Shen et al., 2018), 158

RST1 did not function through regulation of FREE1/ESCRT1 membrane distribution. 159


Increased RST1 protein levels result in retarded growth, enlarged MVBs, and delayed 161

vacuolar transport 162

The above results suggest that RST1 may function as an inhibitor of the FREE1-independent MVB 163

pathway and we expect to see a free1-like phenotype in plants overexpressing RST1. We failed to 164

isolate multiple transgenic lines highly expressing RST1-GFP in Col, suggesting that the level of 165

RST1 may be under tight post-transcriptional silencing regulation. To avoid transgene silencing, 166

we used rdr6-11 mutants with impaired gene silencing (Peragine et al., 2004; Luo and Chen, 2007). 167

We then obtained several independent lines expressing RST1-GFP at different protein levels, and 168

observed a retarded seedling growth phenotype associated with increased RST1 protein level 169

(Figure 5A-D and Supplemental Figure 10), suggesting that RST1 protein level is negatively 170

associated with seedling growth. Therefore, the growth inhibition observed in the RST1 171

overexpression lines appears to be a relatively direct effect of increased RST1 protein level. 172

To further define whether increased RST1 protein level would disrupt the endomembrane 173

trafficking system, we first performed time-lapse FM4-64 staining to track the endocytic pathway 174

(Aniento and Robinson, 2005). The dye we used is FM4-64, a lipophilic styryl membrane dye 175

widely used to study endocytosis from the PM through the TGN to MVB and finally reaching the 176

tonoplast (Bolte et al., 2004; Gao et al., 2014). The time-course observation results showed that 177

increased RST1 protein had no detectable effect on the early endocytic events (Figure 5E, 178

Supplemental Figure11A-B) at 15min and 30min after staining, because FM4-64-labelled 179

endosomes appeared similar in the RST1 overexpression lines and in the WT. However, a 180

significant decrease of tonoplast labelling was observed in the RST1 overexpression line compared 181

to the rdr6 controls at 360 min after staining, supporting the conclusion that RST1 overexpression 182

inhibits FM4-64 internalization to the tonoplast (Figure 5E, Supplemental Figure11C-D and 183

Supplemental Figure 12). 184

Endocytic trafficking to vacuole has been well assayed using Brefeldin A (BFA) treatments, 185

as BFA treatments caused formation of the so-called “BFA bodies”, which indicated the 186

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redistribution of the EE/TGN into aggregates due to a block of recycling between the PM and 187

EE/TGN (Geldner et al., 2003). The endocytic dye FM4-64 has been observed to localize to BFA 188

bodies (Robinson et al., 2008; Chung et al., 2018). We did not detect a significant difference in 189

BFA body accumulation of FM4-64 between the control and the RST1 overexpression lines 190

(Supplemental Figure 11E), suggesting that RST1 does not play a role in these recycling endocytic 191

events. 192

Next, we examined whether an increased RST1 protein level would lead to alterations in 193

morphology or size of the MVBs. We repeatedly observed in RST1-GFP expression lines the 194

morphological alterations of MVB in terms of size, which showed an increased proportion of large 195

MVBs (Figure 5F-H). By contrast, we did not observe defects of ILV formation in MVB. Enlarged 196

MVBs have been observed in plants in which PI3K activity was inhibited by wortmannin treatment 197

(Wang et al., 2009), a constitutively active form of RAB5 was overexpressed (Jia et al., 2013), or 198

RAB7 activation was blocked through the mon1 mutation (Cui et al., 2014). We detected no 199

reduction of FREE1 protein level in RST1 overexpression lines relative to the untransformed 200

control (Figure 5I), suggesting that RST1 affects MVB by bypassing FREE1. The above observed 201

increased MVB size in the RST1 overexpression lines suggested that RST1 participates in vacuolar 202

trafficking as a molecular break that regulates either PI3P production, RAB5/RAB7 cycling 203

between the GTP-bound active form and GDP-bound inactive form, or both. 204


Enhanced endocytic degradation of membrane vacuolar cargo in the rst1 mutant 206

Our findings so far suggest that RST1 inhibits protein vacuolar trafficking. Thus, enhanced 207

vacuolar trafficking would be expected in rst1. To test this possibility, we introduced two 208

endocytic membrane cargo marker proteins PIN2-GFP and BOR1-GFP into the rst1 mutant 209

(Takano et al., 2005; Leitner et al., 2012). A significant reduction in the basal level of PIN2-GFP 210

was observed in rst1 (Figure 6A-B), suggesting that an enhanced endocytic degradation of PIN2-211

GFP may occur in rst1. Because GFP and GFP-related proteins are more stable in the lytic vacuoles 212

under dark conditions, we next transferred the seedlings to dark conditions, and 6 h later observed 213

GFP accumulation in the lytic vacuoles in both rst1 and the wild type, suggesting that vacuolar 214

transport of PIN2-GFP was not affected in rst1 (Figure 6C). 215

To further establish if enhanced vacuolar trafficking occurs in the rst1 mutant for endocytic 216

membrane cargo, we also compared the boron-induced endocytic degradation of BOR1-GFP in 217

RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar …· 2019/6/20 · RESEARCH ARTICLE RST1 is a FREE1 Suppressor that Negatively Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis - [PDF Document] (9)


rst1 and the wild type (Takano et al., 2005). GFP signals of BOR1-GFP decreased faster in rst1 218

than in the wild type, especially in the epidermal cell layer by 60 min and 90 min after high boron 219

treatment (Figure 6D-E and Supplemental Figure 13), supporting the conclusion that boron-220

induced endocytic degradation of BOR1-GFP is elevated in rst1. 221


The soluble vacuolar cargo marker protein spL-RFP, which consists of an RFP fusion with the 223

signal peptide and the sequence-specific vacuolar sorting signal of proricin for targeting to lytic 224

vacuoles and has been widely used to analyze the vacuolar sorting of soluble vacuolar cargoes 225

(Hunter et al., 2007, Gao et al., 2015), showed a similar vacuolar pattern in rst1 and the wild type 226

(Supplemental Figure 14A), suggesting that vacuolar transport of soluble cargo was not affected 227

in rst1. We further performed FM4-64 staining to compare the early endocytic process in rst1 and 228

the wild type, and found no significant difference, suggesting that RST1 is not involved in the 229

early endocytic process (Supplemental Figure 14B) 230


Transcriptome analysis reveals an antagonistic transcriptome response in rst1 and free1 232

It is clear that RST1 exerts the opposite effect on vacuolar trafficking as FREE1, and seems to 233

function by bypassing FREE1. This suggests that RST1 antagonizes FREE1 activity, perhaps by 234

preventing FREE1 from forming a functional complex or acting independently to inhibit another 235

undefined factor that works in parallel with FREE1. To determine whether such an antagonistic 236

effect of RST1 and FREE1 can be reflected as a readout at the transcriptome level, we compared 237

the gene expression profiles between free1 and rst1 using RNA-seq analysis (Supplemental 238

Datasets 1-2). As illustrated in the heatmap, three biological replicates for each sample showed 239

that these expression profiles are highly associated (Supplemental Figure 15), indicating the 240

reproducibility of the RNA-seq data. 241

We then identified DE (differentially expressed) genes for each pairwise comparison using 242

DESEQ2 (Supplemental Datasets 3-4) (Love et al., 2014). Compared with the controls, 432 genes 243

(17.2% of the free1-up-regulated genes) from the free1-up-regulated list are found in the rst1-244

down-regulated (20.6% of the rst1-down-regulated genes) list, while 708 genes (24.3% of the 245

free1-up-regulated list) from the free1-down-regulated list are found in the rst1-up-regulated 246

(26.1% of the rst1-up-regulated) list (Figure 7A-B), suggesting the opposite transcriptome 247

response in rst1 and free1. By plotting the fold change of DE genes in rst1 and free1 using a 248

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heatmap (Figure 7C), we observed that the rst1 and free1 mutations had opposite effects on 249

transcriptional readout. 250

To further analyze the genes that exhibited opposite transcriptomic responses in these two 251

mutants, we analysed the DE genes (Supplemental Datasets 3-4) based on Gene Ontology (GO) 252

annotation (Du et al., 2010; Tian et al., 2017). The genes involved in plastid-related processes, 253

membrane-related processes, and stress-related responses were significantly enriched (Figure 7D), 254

suggesting their functional relationship with RST1 and FREE1. 255

To determine whether the enhanced endocytic degradation of vacuolar cargo in rst1 mutant 256

were caused by altered expression of certain ESCRT components (Gao et al., 2017), we compared 257

the expression level of ESCRT components in free1 and rst1. Most of the ESCRT components 258

showed no significant difference between the two mutants, except for TOL4, a putative ESCRT-0 259

functional hom*ologue (Korbei et al., 2013). The significant alteration of TOL4 expression along 260

with the increased expression in free1 and reduced expression in rst1 (Supplemental Figure 16) 261

suggests that RST1 may inhibit MVB biogenesis and vacuolar trafficking through TOL4. 262



We used dexamethasone (DEX)-inducible DEX:FREE1-RNAi transgenic plants for a sof 265

suppressor screen and the identification of RST1 revealed a previously unexpected role for RST1 266

in the endomembrane trafficking pathway. The sof screening was a laborious, but quite a 267

straightforward approach, and could be applied to other seedling lethal genes or embryo defect 268

mutants in other model system. Our screen had several limitations that restricted the spectrum of 269

genes identified. First, genes that have multiple hom*ologues and function redundantly may 270

represent FREE1 genetic regulators, while underrepresented in the screen. Second, genes that are 271

essential for seedling survival may also represent FREE1 genetic regulators, but be absent in our 272

screen. Third, because FREE1-RNAi plants bypassed the embryo requirement of FREE1, our 273

ability to identify mutants that suppress the free1 null mutants is limited. 274

By using this suppressor screening approach, we recently identified a plant-specific negative 275

regulator, BRAF, which competitively binds to VPS23 to inhibit FREE1-mediated MVB 276

biogenesis (Shen et al., 2018). The identification of RST1 as a suppressor of free1 negatively 277

regulating the endomembrane trafficking pathway indicates that RST1 titrates out certain 278

component(s) of the FREE1-mediated pathway as a molecular switch. This study did not provide 279

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direct evidence on how the cytosolic RST1 performs its molecular function in MVB biogenesis 280

and prepares membrane cargos for vacuolar transport. In the working model (Figure 8), we propose 281

that RST1 may function as a molecular switch that provides quality surveillance of membrane 282

cargos for vacuolar transport. When an interruption occurs in the whole cell trafficking system, 283

such as in the free1 mutant, RST1 may function to switch off the whole trafficking pathway, i.e., 284

accumulation of RST1 in free1 is similar to a situation in which the traffic light was continuously 285

switched back to red. It would be highly risky if cells grow without such a molecular switch to 286

properly control the trafficking pathway in response to the changing environmental and growth 287

signals. At the molecular level, RST1 may directly interact with yet-to-be-identified key 288

components in the cytosol to prevent their function at the membrane. Indeed, our preliminary yeast 289

screen results showed that RST1 interacted with VPS30/ATG6, which is a conserved essential 290

component for vacuolar trafficking and plant growth (Fujiki et al., 2007; Qin et al., 2007). 291

Genes functioning together tend to show co-expression patterns. We thus looked for gene 292

networks associated with RST1 at (Szklarczyk et al., 2017). Among the top-ten gene 293

list, RST1 is co-expressed with At5g18525 (GFS12), At5g24350 (MIP2), and At3g08530 (CHC2), 294

which are all related to endomembrane trafficking (Kitakura et al., 2011; Li et al., 2013; Teh et al., 295

2015). RST1 is also co-expressed with At5g58410, which encodes an undefined E3 ubiquitin ligase 296

(Supplemental Figure 17 A-B). When comparing the expression level of these genes in free1 and 297

rst1 from the RNAseq data, both At5g58410 (E3) and At5g18525 (GFS12) showed increased 298

expression in free1, but decreased expression in rst1 (Supplemental Figure 17 C), suggesting that 299

these co-expressed genes may function together with RST1. Taken together, these data are in 300

agreement with the hypothesis that RST1 preferentially functions antagonistically to FREE1, even 301

though future studies are needed to provide direct proof. 302

In summary, we demonstrate that RST1 functions as a negative regulator that inhibits the 303

MVB biogenesis pathway. Based on our findings, we propose that at the genetic level, FREE1 304

represses RST1, and RST1 functions downstream of FREE1 to negatively regulate MVB 305

biogenesis and vacuolar transport (Figure 8A). At the cellular level, FREE1 normally mediates the 306

majority of housekeeping MVB biogenesis, while a FREE1-independent backup pathway might 307

operate for MVB biogenesis and vacuolar transport under certain conditions when needed. 308

Normally, RST1 inhibits this FREE1-independent pathway to restrict MVB biogenesis and 309

vacuolar transport to a basal level (Figure 8B). In the free1 mutants, the significant RST1 310

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accumulation exaggerated the inhibition of the FREE1-independent pathway, thus largely 311

blocking the backup pathway, and resulting in seedling lethality (Figure 8C). In free1rst1 double 312

mutants, as in the four sof mutants (sof100, sof220, sof452, and sof453) lacking RST1, the FREE1-313

independent pathway was relieved to mediate the backup pathway, thus rescuing the seedling 314

lethality phenotype (Figure 8D). Much work remains to differentiate between the different possible 315

mechanisms. We propose that RST1 encodes rate limiting components integral to vacuolar 316

trafficking pathways throughout development. RST1 is found throughout the multicellular 317

eukaryotic organism, suggesting that RST1 inhibits conserved trafficking components rather than 318

plant-specific factors, and likely a similar molecular breaks function of RST1 is applicable to other 319

multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Recently, two other studies reported that RST1 also plays roles 320

in RNA surveillance pathway, demonstrating that RST1 is a multifunctional protein in plants (Li 321

et al., 2019; Lange et al., 2019). 322

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Plant material and growth conditions 324

All mutants and transgenic lines used in this study are in the Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia (Col) 325

background. The FREE1-RNAi and rst1-3 were previously described (Mang et al., 2009; Gao et 326

al., 2014). Arabidopsis seeds were sterilized and germinated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) plates 327

(full-strength MS salts, 0.8% phyto agar, 3% sucrose, pH 5.7). Seedlings were then grown at 22 °C 328

under a 16-h light/8-h dark cycle for 5 d before being transferred to pots in a growth room at 22 °C 329

under a 16-h light/8-h dark cycle. The light intensity is approximately 150 μmol/m2/s. 330


Propidium iodide (PI) staining 332

The roots of the 7-day-old seedlings were stained in liquid MS medium containing PI (10 µg/ml) 333

for 2 min and then washed for 1 min with liquid MS medium. CLSM imaging was then 334

immediately performed using a Leica TCS SP8 confocal microscope. 335


Chemical treatment 337

For BFA treatments, Arabidopsis seedlings were incubated in liquid MS medium containing BFA 338

(Sigma-Aldrich) at a final concentration of 10 μg/ml for 30 minutes. For wortmannin treatment, 339

wortmannin was prepared in DMSO and used at 33 μM for 30 min in the liquid MS medium. The 340

solvent (DMSO) alone was added as the controls. For boron treatment, BOR1-GFP seedlings were 341

transferred into liquid medium containing 100 μM boric acid (+B) as previously used (3). 342


FM4-64 staining 344

Seedlings were washed with liquid MS and then stained with FM4-64 (12 μM) in liquid MS 345

overnight to examine vacuole morphology. Analysis of FM4-64 endocytosis was performed by 346

incubation with FM4-64 (12 μM) for 5 min on ice, following by two washes with MS medium 347

before time course observation and image collection. 348


Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis 350

The FREE1-RNAi transgenic line was mutagenized as described with ethyl methanesulfonate 351

(EMS) (Zhao et al., 2015). The screen for survived seedlings was performed on horizontally 352

oriented MS plates with 3% (w/v) sucrose supplemented with 10 µM DEX. Putative sof 353

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suppressors were transplanted into soil and genotyped to confirm hom*ozygosis for the FREE1-354

RNAi transgenic insertion site. 355


Arabidopsis FREE1-RNAi suppressor screening 357

The mutant pool was established in a previous report (Zhao et al., 2015). Basically, seeds of the 358

Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) line expressing a single insertion of pTA7002-FREE1-RNAi were 359

mutagenized by EMS. Approximately 40,000 seeds corresponding to the progeny of 10,000 360

mutagenized M1 seeds were sown on MS plates supplemented with 10 μM DEX and grown for 5 361

days. Seedlings showing a survival phenotype were selected as suppressors of free1 (sof). Selected 362

M2 seedlings were planted into soil for individual M3 seed collection. Individual M3 seeds were 363

screened on MS medium containing 10 μM DEX and hygromycin (50 mg/ml) again, and 7-day-364

old M3 seedlings were screened for the survival phenotype. 365


Immunoblot analysis 367

Protein isolation and blotting were performed as described (Zhao et al., 2015; Shen et al., 2018). 368

Total cell extracts from Arabidopsis seedlings were prepared in lysis buffer containing 50 mM 369

Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, and 1× Complete Protease 370

Inhibitor co*cktail, then centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 30 min at 4 °C. The supernatant protein 371

samples were boiled in 1X SDS sample loading dye at 95 °C, and then were subjected to gel 372

electrophoresis on 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels. Proteins were 373

transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Bio-Rad) followed by blocking in PBS-T (0.05% Tween-374

20) with 5% milk powder and antibody incubation (4 µg/ml). Membranes were incubated with 375

horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies and Software Signal development was 376

performed using the ECL Western Blotting system (GE Healthcare, Pasadena, CA, USA). 377

Quantification of immunoblots was done using ImageJ. 378


Whole-genome sequencing-based mapping 380

Mapping was performed as previously described (Zhao et al., 2015). The sof lines sof453, sof100, 381

sof220 and sof452 were outcrossed to Arabidopsis ecotype Landsberg erecta (Ler). For each 382

mutant, the F2 population was grown on MS plates with 3% (w/v) sucrose supplemented with 10 383

µM DEX and hygromycin (50 mg/ml), and 300 seedlings with the survival sof phenotype were 384

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pooled for a genomic DNA preparation. The genomic DNA was submitted to the DNA-sequencing 385

facility at BGI for library preparation and sequencing on a HiSeq 2000 (Illumina) to generate 100-386

bp pair-end reads, yielding >15-fold genome coverage. The reads were mapped to a Col-0 387

reference genome (The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR); https://www. 388

using BWA software (Li and Durbin, 2009), and putative SNPs were identified as described using 389

SAMTOOLS software (Li et al., 2009). The SNP frequency was plotted based on chromosomal 390

location using SHOREmap software (Schneeberger et al., 2009; Sun and Schneeberger, 2015) 391

based on 461,070 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using SHORE map outcross 392

function. Relatively reliable loci were filtered as below: consensus quality > 20 (error rate, 1%), 393

total depth > 5. Only EMS-induced C/G to T/A transition SNP markers were further considered as 394

candidates. The causative mutation within the mapping interval was annotated using the 395

SHOREmap software annotate function. 396


Plasmid construction 398

For the constructs used for genetic complementation in Arabidopsis, the cDNAs encoding the 399

RST1 genes were synthesized in the plasmid pUC-Xba1-RST1 (without stop codon)-Kpn1 and 400

then the plasmid pUC-Xba1-RST1 (without stop codon)-Kpn1 was double digested using Spe1 401

and Kpn1. Meanwhile, the pBI121-UBQ10-GFP vector plasmid was also double digested using 402

Spe1 and Kpn1. The DNA fragment containing RST1 cDNA was gel-recovered and was ligated 403

into the digested pBI121 vectors. For DEX:VPS4 (E232Q)) transgenic plants, the mutated coding 404

regions were amplified from previous published plasmids (Cai et al., 2014), cloned into 405

pDONR/Zeo and then further cloned into the pTA7002-DEX-GW vector for plant transformation 406

as described (Shen et al., 2018). For DEX:SNF7 (L22W) transgenic plants, the mutated coding 407

regions were amplified from previous published plasmids (Cai et al., 2014), cloned into 408

pDONR/Zeo and then further cloned into the pTA7002-DEX-GW vector for plant transformation 409

as described (Shen et al., 2018). For Y2H analysis, the cDNAs were cloned into the pGBKT7 and 410

pGADT7 vectors. All constructs were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. 411


Ultrastructural analysis and immunogold labeling using TEM 413

Ultra-structural analysis procedures for TEM sample preparation, thin sectioning, and 414

immunogold labeling of high-pressure frozen, freeze-substituted and HM20–embedding was 415

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performed as previously described (Cui et al., 2014; Gao et al., 2014; Zhuang et al., 2017; Shen et 416

al., 2018). Briefly, the root tips of 4-day-old Arabidopsis seedlings subjected to the indicated 417

treatments were cut and immediately frozen in a high-pressure freezer (EM PACT2, Leica, 418

Germany), followed by subsequent freeze substitution in dry acetone containing 0.1% uranyl 419

acetate at −85 °C in an AFS freeze-substitution unit (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). Infiltration with 420

Lowicryl HM20, embedding, and ultraviolet polymerization were performed stepwise at −10 °C. 421

Immunogold labeling was performed as described previously with the homemade anti-VSR 422

antibody, and gold-coupled secondary antibody at 1:50 dilution. Sections were examined using a 423

Hitachi H-7650 transmission electron microscope with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera 424

operating at 80 kV (Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, 425


Immunoprecipitation 427

Total cell extracts from Arabidopsis seedlings were prepared in lysis buffer containing 50 mM 428

Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.4% Nonidet P-40, 5% glycerol, and 1× 429

Complete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail, followed by brief centrifugation at 600 × g for 3 min at 4 °C 430

to remove intact cells and large cellular debris. The supernatant total cell extracts were then 431

centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 30 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was incubated with GFP-Trap 432

agarose beads (ChromoTek) for 4 h at 4 °C in IP buffer (50 mM Tris- HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 433

0.5 mM EDTA, 0.2% Nonidet P-40, 5% glycerol and 1× Complete Protease Inhibitor co*cktail) in 434

a top to end rotator. After incubation, the beads were washed four times with ice-cold washing 435

buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.05% Nonidet P-40, and 5% 436

glycerol) and boiled in SDS sample buffer. Samples were analysed by SDS-PAGE and 437

immunoblot using the indicated antibodies. 438


Antibodies 440

Affinity-purified polyclonal antibody for RST1 was raised in rabbits at the Laboratory Animal 441

Services Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong against the synthetic peptide antigen 442

acetyl-SASSDIDSDSYRNQEERLLC-amide (GeneScript), corresponding to 1049–1067 amino 443

acids of RST1. Affinity purification was performed using CnBr-activated Sepharose 4B (Sigma-444

Aldrich; Cat. No. C9142) column conjugated with the peptides. FREE1, and VSR antibodies were 445

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homemade. Antibodies including anti-cFBPase (Agrisera, AS04 043) and anti-GFP (Clontech, 446

633281) were commercially purchased. 447


Yeast two hybrid (Y2H) 449

Y2H analysis was performed using pGBKT7 and pGADT7 vectors (Clontech) containing cDNAs. 450

The paired plasmids (AD and BD) were co-introduced into the yeast strain AH109 by heat shock 451

transformation. Positive transformants containing both AD and BD were selected on synthetic 452

drop-out (S.D.) medium lacking Trp and Leu (SD-Trp-Leu). For determination of protein 453

interactions, positive transformants were inoculated on SD medium lacking Ade, His, Trp, and 454

Leu (SD-Ade-His-Trp-Leu). Each experiment was performed at least twice independently, and 455

similar results were obtained. 456


RNA-Seq Analysis 458

For RNA-seq experiments, 11-day-old seedlings grown on 1/2 MS agar plates were treated 459

with/without DEX in liquid 1/2 MS for 48 h. RNA-seq was carried out using three biological 460

replicates for FREE1-RNAi and sof100. Total RNA was extracted using TRI reagent (MRC). Total 461

mRNA was prepared with five micrograms of total RNA using the NEBNext® Poly (A) mRNA 462

Magnetic Isolation Module (NEB, Ipswich, MA, USA). RNA-seq libraries were constructed using 463

the NEBNext® mRNA Library Prep Reagent Set for Illumina (NEB) following the manufacturer’s 464

protocols. Twelve libraries (three replicates for each sample) were pooled and sequenced on an 465

Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. Qualified unique reads were mapped to the Col genome using 466

TOPHAT v.2.0.13 (Kim et al., 2013), with no mismatches permitted. Reads in gene regions were 467

counted using an in-house Perl script (Huang et al., 2017). The expression fold-change of each 468

gene was calculated using the R package DESEQ2 (Love et al., 2014) with the threshold for 469

differentially expressed (DE) genes set to a fold-change of 1.5 and a P-value < 0.05. Venn diagrams 470

were generated using VENNY v.2.1 (, and 471

gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of DE genes was performed on the agriGO website (Du 472

et al., 2010; Tian et al., 2017). 473


Phylogenetic analysis 475

The amino acid sequences of RST1 hom*ologues were obtained from NCBI by using BlastP using 476

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Arabidopsis RST1 as bait (Supplemental Dataset 5). Evolutionary analyses were conducted in 477

MEGA7 (Kumar et al., 2016). The evolutionary history was inferred using the Maximum 478

Likelihood method based on the JTT matrix-based model (Jones et al., 1992). The tree with the 479

highest log likelihood (-31099.79) is shown. Initial tree(s) for the heuristic search were obtained 480

automatically by applying Neighbor-Join and BioNJ algorithms to a matrix of pairwise distances 481

estimated using a JTT model, and then selecting the topology with a superior log likelihood value. 482

The analysis involved 18 amino acid sequences. All positions containing gaps and missing data 483

were eliminated. There were a total of 1060 positions in the final dataset. 484


Confocal Microscopy 486

Samples were mounted in liquid MS medium and imaged with a Leica TCS SP8 confocal laser-487

scanning microscope, using a 63× (NA 1.20) water immersion objective. Images with both GFP 488

and RFP were collected using the sequential scanning mode to avoid possible crosstalk of 489

fluorescent signals. The same microscope settings were used for both the control samples and 490

the mutant/treated samples. For GFP observation, the excitation wavelength is 488 nm, while 491

the emission wavelength is 500-550 nm. For PI staining, mcherry and FM4-64 staining 492

observation, the settings were adjusted to: excitation wavelength 561 nm, emission 493

wavelength 575-625 nm. Experiments were repeated at least three times using three different 494

batches of seedlings. 495


Immunofluorescence Labeling in Arabidopsis Roots 497

Fixation and preparation of Arabidopsis roots for immunofluorescent labeling and confocal 498

analysis were performed as described (Gao et al., 2014, Shen et al., 2018). The roots of 5-day-old 499

seedlings were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS supplemented with 0.1% Triton X-100. 500

Following cell wall digestion, permeabilization, and blocking with 3% BSA, the fixed roots were 501

incubated with anti-VSR antibody or anti-RST1 antibody at 4 μg/ml diluted in 1% BSA at 4°C 502

overnight. After a wash with PBS, the roots were probed with Alexa 568 goat anti-rabbit IgG 503

(Invitrogen) secondary antibody for confocal observation. 504


RNA Extractions and Quantitative Real-Time RT-PCR Reaction 506

Total RNA was isolated from the indicated tissues by grinding the tissue in liquid nitrogen in the 507

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presence of Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. 508

First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 2 μg of total RNA using M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase 509

(Promega) according to the manufacturer's instructions. For each qPCR, 1 μl of cDNA sample, 510

12.5 μl of iQ SYBR Green Supermix (Bio-Rad), and 0.5 μl of primer (from a 10 μM working 511

solution), were used in a final volume of 25 μl supplemented with water. The RT-qPCRs were run 512

on a MyiQ (Bio-Rad). Gene-specific primers for RST1 (5′-CGTGCTCCTCCAGCCAGTTC-3′; 513




CCACGAAGACGCAGGACCAA-3′) were used. The relative expression levels were compared 517

after normalization to ACTIN transcript levels. Mean results (±se) were plotted. 518


Microsome Analysis 520

Total cell extracts from Arabidopsis seedlings were prepared in lysis buffer containing 40 mM 521

HEPES-KOH at pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM KCl, 0.4 M sucrose, 0.5 mM 522

phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 25 μg/mL leupeptin, and 1× Complete Protease Inhibitor 523

co*cktail, followed by brief centrifugation at 600 g for 3 min at 4 °C . After discarding this low-524

speed pellet containing unbroken cells, nuclei, and debris, the cell extract was centrifuged at 10,000 525

g for 10 min to separate soluble proteins (S10) from a fraction enriched in organelles (P10). The 526

S10 fraction was further centrifuged at 100,000 g for 30 min to separate membranes (P100) from 527

soluble proteins (S100). 528


Quantification and Statistical Analysis 530

For immunoblot quantification, the relative intensities of each band were quantified using ImageJ 531

(; the control lane in each experiment was set as 1. For confocal image 532

quantification, the relative fluorescence intensity was quantified using ImageJ, and the ratios of 533

fluorescence intensities are shown. For each set of data, image quantification was performed in 534

five cells per root in five individual seedlings. Statistically significant differences were determined 535

using Student's t test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, n. s. P >0.05). Sample numbers and the number of 536

biological replicates for each experiment are indicated in the figure legends. 537

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Accession numbers 539

The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative locus identifiers for the genes mentioned in this article are 540

RST1 (AT3G27670), FREE1 (AT1G20110), SNF7A (AT2G19830), and Vps4 (AT2G27600). 541


Supplemental Data 543

Supplemental Figure 1. Flow chart of the sof suppressor screening and SOF gene identification. 544

Supplemental Figure 2. Four sof lines were mapped to the same region on chromosome 3. 545

Supplemental Figure 3. Isolation of four rst1 alleles as sof mutants using FREE1-RNAi transgenic 546

plants. 547

Supplemental Figure 4. Characterization of UBQpro:RST1-GFP/sof453 complementation lines. 548

Supplemental Figure 5. Differential RST1 and FREE1 expression in different developmental 549

stages of A. thaliana based on Genevestigator microarray data. 550

Supplemental Figure 6. The cytosolic localization of the functional RST1-GFP fusion protein. 551

Supplemental Figure 7. RST1 does not interact with FREE1. 552

Supplemental Figure 8. Specific genetic interactions between rst1 mutation and the 553

ESCRT pathway mutations. 554

Supplemental Figure 9. Mutation in RST1 did not alter the GFP-FREE1 MVB localization of 555

GFP-FREE1 or the FREE1 and VPS28 membrane distribution. 556

Supplemental Figure 10. Characterization of UBQpro:RST1-GFP overexpression lines. 557

Supplemental Figure 11. Time course-images of FM4-64 uptake in Arabidopsis root cells. 558

Supplemental Figure 12. Inhibition of FM4-64 endocytic tracer staining of tonoplast by RST1 559

overexpression. 560

Supplemental Figure 13. Enhanced BOR1-GFP endocytic degradation in the rst1 mutant. 561

Supplemental Figure 14. Mutation in RST1 did not alter soluble cargo vacuolar transport and 562

endocytosis. 563

Supplemental Figure 15. RNA-seq analysis of FREE1-RNAi and sof100 lines. 564

Supplemental Figure 16. Relative expression levels of ESCRT components and ESCRT-related 565

proteins in free1 and rst1 by RNAseq. 566

Supplemental Figure 17. RST1 Functional protein association network in Arabidopsis (action 567

view) as visualized on the STRING Web site ( 568

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Supplemental Dataset 1. RNAseq RPKM data for FREE1-RNAi_DEX vs. FREE1-RNAi_DEX. 569

Supplemental Dataset 2. RNAseq RPKM data for sof100 vs. FREE1-RNAi. 570

Supplemental Dataset 3. Shared genes up-regulated in free1 but down-regulated in rst1. 571

Supplemental Dataset 4. Shared genes down-regulated in free1 but up-regulated in rst1. 572

Supplemental Dataset 5. Alignment of sequences used for maximum-likelihood analysis. 573 574

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Q.Z., J.S., C.G., Y.C., and L.J., designed the research. Q.Z., J.S., C.G., Y.C., Y.W., J.C., L.C.,576

Y.Z., S.H., Q.Z., C.L., and K.L., conducted detailed studies on the function of the RST1 protein.577

Q.Z., Y.W., J.C., L.C and X.C performed RNAseq analysis. Q.Z., J.S., C.G., Y.C., and L.J.,578

analysed the data. Q.Z., and L.J. wrote the manuscript with comments from all authors. All authors 579

discussed the results and approved the manuscript. 580



This work was supported by grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (AoE/M-583

05/12, CUHK14130716, 14102417, 14100818, C4011-14R, C4012-16E, C4002-17G), the 584

National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670179 and 91854201), Research Grants 585

Council of Hong Kong (RIF R4005-18 and G-CUHK 403/17), and CUHK Research Committee 586

to L.J., as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31671467 and 31870171) to 587





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!Figure 1. Isolation of four rst1 alleles as sof mutants using FREE1-RNAi transgenic plants.

(A) Schematic illustration of RST1 showing T-DNA insertion sites and the sof mutations. *, stop. DUF, Domain ofUnknown Function.

(B) Seedling survival phenotype of sof100, sof452, and sof453 mutants. M3 seeds were plated on MS platesand MS plates were supplied with 10 µM DEX.

(C) Detection of FREE1 protein extracted from sof100, sof452, and sof453 mutants. Immunoblot analysis oftotal protein with/without DEX using FREE1 antibody.

(D) Recovered ILV formation of MVB in sof100, sof452, and sof453 mutants . Scale bar, 250 nm. The numbersof ILVs per MVB were quantified from 40 MVBs and showed in the box and whisker plot for each genotype. On each box, the top, middle, and bottom of the box represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The bars are minimum and maximum. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test).

(E) Recovered large central vacuole in sof100, sof452, and sof453 mutants. The vacuoles were visualizedusing FM4-64 staining shown in magenta. Note that when grown on DEX medium, the sof mutants (sof100, sof452, and sof453) have a WT-like large vacuole, rather than the small fragmented vacuoles observed in FREE1-RNAi. Scale bar, 10 µm.

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!Figure 2. Complementation of sof453 with RST1-GFP proteins.

(A) RST1 protein detected by a RST1-specific anti-peptide antibody. Anti-cFBPase antibodies were used as aloading control.

(B) RST1 antibody specifically recognizes endogenous RST1 and ectopically expressed RST1-GFP.(C) Complementation of sof453 with UBQpro:RST1-GFP. The phenotype of 7-d-old sof453 seedlings

expressing RST1-GFP grown on MS plates and MS plates supplied with (+) DEX. (D) Seedling growth phenotypes and quantification of Col, FREE1-RNAi, rst1-3, sof453 and complemented

lines on MS agar plates with or without DEX for 7 days. Bar graphs show means (n = 11 to 15 plants) ± se. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test).

(E) Detection of RST1 protein and FREE1 protein in indicated lines grown on medium with (+)/without (−) DEX.Anti-cFBPase antibodies were used as loading control. Anti-RST1 antibodies and anti-FREE1 antibodies were used for RST1/RST1-GFP and FREE1 detection, respectively.

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!Figure 3. RST1 encodes a conserved, multicellular organism-specific cytosolic protein.

(A) hom*ologs of RST1 are found only in multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis ofRST1 hom*ologues by the Maximum Likelihood method.

(B) Detection of RST1 protein and FREE1 protein in the indicated tissues. 1) Rosette leaf, 2) Stem leaf, 3)Stem, 4) Flower, 5) Young silique, 6) Old silique, 7) Dry seeds, and 8) Seedlings. LE, long exposure; SE, short exposure. Anti-RST1 antibodies and anti-FREE1 antibodies were used for RST1 and FREE1 detection, respectively.

(C) Detection of RST1 and FREE1 expression level via qPCR analysis using RNA extracted from the indicatedtissues. 1) Rosette leaf, 2) Stem leaf, 3) Stem, 4) Flower, 5) Young silique, 6) Old silique, and 8) Seedlings. Error bars represent the standard deviation from three technical replicates.

(D) RST1 is a cytosolic protein. Supernatant (S) and microsomal pellet fractions (P) were prepared fromArabidopsis seedlings. The membrane protein VSR serves as the membrane marker. The universally expressed cytoplasmic marker protein fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cFBPase) was used as a cytosolic control. Anti-RST1 antibodies were used for RST1 detection.

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#Figure 4. RST1 accumulates in the free1 mutant.

(A) Immunoblotting shows that RST1 accumulates in free1 mutant cells. Total proteins were extracted from WT,free1 (T-DNA) mutants, and DEX-treated FREE1-RNAi plants. Anti-RST1 antibodies and anti-FREE1 antibodies were used for RST1 and FREE1 detection. Anti-cFBPase antibodies were used as the loading control.

(B) Quantification of the intensity of (A).(C) RST1-GFP accumulates in the free1 mutant in the complemented transgenic lines with constitutive

expression of RST1. Anti-RST1 antibodies and anti-FREE1 antibodies were used for RST1/RST1-GFP and FREE1 detection, respectively. Anti-cFBPase antibodies were used as the loading control.

(D) Confocal image showing increased RST1-GFP signal in the free1 mutant in the complemented transgeniclines constitutively expressing RST1-GFP. PI staining (magenta) shows the cell morphology.

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!Figure 5. RST1 overexpression arrests seedling growth, inhibits FM4-64 staining of the tonoplast and results in enlargement of the MVB.

(A) Root length analysis of 5-day-old transgenic Arabidopsis plants seedlings expressing RST1-GFP. Scale bar,5 mm.

(B) Box and whisker plot show the root length in the indicated genotypes in (A) (n = 11 to 15 plants). On eachbox, the top, middle, and bottom of the box represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The bars are minimum and maximum. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test).

(C) Confocal images of RST1-GFP expression in independent lines. Scale bar, 20 µm.(D) Quantitative analysis of GFP intensity of (C) in Box and whisker plot. (n = 5 cells per root from 5 seedlings).

On each box, the top, middle, and bottom of the box represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The bars are minimum and maximum. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test).

(E) Inhibition of FM4-64 internalization through the tonoplast by RST1 overexpression. Representative imagesshowing FM4-64 uptake at 15 min and 360 min after staining. The unfilled white arrows (at 15 min) indicate the endosomes while the filled arrows (at 360 min) indicate the vacuole membrane. DIC, Differential interference contrast. Scale bar, 20 µm.

(F-H) Enlargement of MVB by RST1-GFP expression and increased proportion of enlarged MVBs in RST1ox lines in (G) compared with the control line (F). Diameters of MVBs were measured from the control (n=96) and RST1-GFP expression line (n=106) in (H).

(I) An increased RST1 protein level does not reduce the FREE1 protein level. Anti-RST1 antibodies and anti-FREE1 antibodies were used for RST1/RST1-GFP and FREE1 detection, respectively. Anti-cFBPase antibodies were used as loading control. Two independent lines were detected.

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Figure 6. Enhanced endocytic degradation of vacuolar cargo in the rst1 mutant. (A) Reduced PIN2-GFP levels at the plasma membrane in the rst1 mutant. Three-dimensional animation of z-

stacks was obtained. False color code was used for PIN2-GFP intensity visualization. (B) PIN2-GFP intensity quantification. The bar graph shows means (n = 3) ± se. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant

(P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test). (C) PIN2 accumulation in vacuole in the rst1 was detected. Scale bar, 20 µm.(D) High Boron condition-induced endocytic BOR1-GFP degradation was enhanced in rst1. Representative

epidermal cells showing BOR1-GFP in the wild type and rst1 at the indicated time points after transferring to high Boron condition. Scale bar, 20 µm.

(E) Quantification of PM BOR1-GFP signal intensity compared with that at time 0 min in Box and whisker plot.(n = 5 cells per root from 5 seedlings.) On each box, the top, middle, and bottom of the box represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The bars are minimum and maximum. **P < 0.01; n.s., not significant (P > 0.05 in Student’s t-test).

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!Figure 7. Antagonistic effects of FREE1 and RST1 on transcriptome by RNA-seq.

(A-B) Venn diagram showing the overlap between the set of genes with altered expression in free1 (FREE1-RNAi line with DEX treatment compared with FREE1-RNAi line without DEX treatment) and rst1 (sof100 line compared with FREE1-RNAi line).

(C) Heatmap of the fold-changes of mis-regulated genes in free1 and rst1. Changes in transcription abundanceare indicated by intensities of colors expressed in log2 scales. Blue and red indicate down- and up-regulation, respectively.

(D) Significantly enriched GO terms of mis-regulated genes in free1 and rst1. Bar chart showing the significanceof GO terms expressed in –log10 (FDR) scales. GO, Gene ontology. FDR, False discovery rate.

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!Figure 8. A working model for Resurrection1 (RST1) in the negative regulation of the MVB biogenesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are endosomes containing membrane-bound intraluminal vesicles (ILVs), which are formed by budding into the lumen of the MVB. When marked for degradation with ubiquitination modification, surface cargo proteins are internalized to reach the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE) compartments (route 1; in numbered circle), and are then sorted and packaged into intralumenal vesicles (ILVs) in MVBs (route 2; in numbered circle). After maturation, MVBs become are filled with cargo-enriched ILVs (route 3; in numbered circle). Mature MVBs fuse with the vacuole to deliver cargo-enriched ILVs into the vacuolar lumen for degradation (route 4; in numbered circle). (A) Genetic relationship between FREE1 and RST1. FREE1 represses RST1 and RST1 function downstream ofFREE1 to negatively regulate MVB biogenesis and vacuolar transport.(B) The FREE1 protein mediates most MVB biogenesis via incorporation into the ESCRT I complex (route 2a; innumbered circle), while a FREE1-independent backup pathway may mediate MVB biogenesis when needed (route2b; in numbered circle). In the wild type, RST1 inhibits the FREE1-independent MVB biogenesis pathway.(C) In free1, substantial accumulation of RST1 leads to enhanced inhibition of FREE1-independent MVB biogenesisand trafficking, thus causing a total block of both the FREE1-dependent and independent pathway, resulting inseedling lethality.(D) In free1rst1, FREE1-independent MVB biogenesis and trafficking would be released from inhibition when RST1 isknocked out, thus reversing seedling lethality back to survival.

Solid arrows, secretory and endocytic trafficking routes toward vacuole. Red T bar, inhibition effects of RST1. Red cross, impediment of indicated pathways.

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